NARS, and its Japan-based parent company Shiseido, see data and AI-driven personalization as key in their efforts to cater to the needs of an increasingly digital customer base. Benjamin Lord, NARS executive director of omnichannel of global eCommerce, sees the use of data and AI and critical to stand out in an "oversaturated" beauty market that is cluttered with new players (Glossier, Beautycounter) and established brands (Clinique, Estee Lauder). In 2017, Shiseido acquired AI and AR developer Giran, and more recently, artificial skin tech startup Olivo Labs, and personalization solution provider MATCHCo, in order to help NARS and its other brands (bareMinerals, Dolce & Gabbana…) create new personalized products and seamless experiences for their customers. Shiseido looks to be ahead of most companies: mobile and online sales account for 25 percent of its revenue compared to just over 6 percent for the entire beauty industry as a whole.
[Image Credit: © NARS Cosmetics]